• icon Indian Society for Wind Engineering (ISWE), Roorkee
About the Society


Clause I: Aims and Objectives of the Society

The Society will accomplish its aims and objectives as detailed below:

  1. Close Interaction: By collaborating with the International Association for Wind Engineering, Indian National Academy of Engineers, Indian National Science Academy, and other related organizations.
  2. Local Chapters: Establishing local chapters across India to facilitate regional activities.
  3. Publications: Publishing journals, newsletters, handbooks, and monographs on relevant wind engineering topics and exchanging publications with national and international societies.
  4. Technical Events: Organizing technical lectures, seminars, workshops, symposia, and conferences to encourage knowledge sharing and professional development.
  5. Identifying Research Priorities: Assisting planners in identifying national priority research and development areas through interaction with international programs.
  6. Organizing Study Groups: Setting up technical committees and study groups on subjects of topical interest.
  7. Policy Contribution: Contributing towards policy-making and maintaining representation in the Planning Commission, Department of Science and Technology, UGC, and more.
  8. International Representation: Promoting the Society's image by participating in and enhancing contributions at international conferences.
  9. Involvement of Engineers: Involving field engineers and professional organizations in Society activities to expand participation.
  10. Awards: Instituting awards such as “Best Paper Award” and “Best Master’s Thesis Award” to recognize outstanding contributions.

Clause II: Local Chapters

In order to widen the activities of the Society, Local Chapters will be established across the country as per the following guidelines:

  1. Formation of Local Chapters: Local chapters will be set up at various locations, with a minimum of ten members required for formation.
  2. Recognition of Chapters: Local chapters will be recognized after a formal request from a group of at least ten members. Only one chapter per city will be allowed.
  3. Management Committee: Each chapter will be managed by a committee consisting of a Chairman, Secretary, and at least three members, elected by local members.
  4. Term of Office: The term of the managing committee will be two years, with eligibility for re-election for one more consecutive term.
  5. Financial Assistance: Local Chapters will receive a token establishment grant, with additional financial support for specific activities upon request.
  6. Activities: The chapters are responsible for organizing and managing their own activities while maintaining communication with the Society’s executive committee.
  7. Annual Reports: Local Chapters will send their annual audited accounts to the Head Quarter for record keeping.
  8. Membership: Only members of ISWE can join the Local Chapters; non-members cannot participate in chapter activities.